2024-2025 Paintings Winter Beacon, 16 x 16 in. The Space Between, 48 x48in. (Sold) Doorways Bearing Signs, 18 x18 in. ( Sold) Incantation, 18 x18 in. Tethered to Another World, 30 x 30 in. Prayers in the Fire, 30x30in. Weight of Being A Bird, 8 x 8 in. Conjuring (Again), 30 x 30in. Flora, 72 x 48in. Displaced, 24 x18 in. Broken and Strong l, 5 x 8 in. Broken and Strong ll, 5 x 8 in. Rendezvous, 48 x72in. Desert Crossing l, 5 x 8in. Feathered Terrain l, 5 x 8in. Feathered Terrain ll, 5 x 8in. Water of the Deep.8 x 10in. Ancestor’s Poet, 5 x 8in. Heading to the Front Lines, 5 x 8in. Boat Maker, 5 x 8 in. Wood Standing Ground, 5 x 8in. Magic Cape, 5 x8in. Years Long, 8 x 10in. Wonderment in the Wilderness, 48 x72in.