2021-2023 Paintings All Works are Acrylic, Wax and Paper. Desert Crossing, 18 x 18in. Panel (Sold) “Mending”, 8 x 8 in. Panel (Sold) Along the Shore, 8 x 8 in. Panel Friends From the Coast, 30 x 40in. Panel “Dreamers in Water” 16 x 20 in. Panel His Queen, 30 x 40 in. (Sold) “Owl Magic”, 8 x 8 in. Panel (Sold) “Side Fold Dresses”; 5 x 8 in. Panel There is always a Boat, 18 x 24 in. Panel (Sold) “Holding Down the Mountain”, 8 x 8 in. Panel (Sold) Mapping a Pink Horizon, 8 x 8 in. Panel Procession of Magic, 16x 16 in. Panel (Sold) “Living in Water”, 8 x 8 in. Panel (Sold) “Matriarchy Rising”, 8 x 8 in. Panel (Sold) “Space Between Petals”, Diptych (Sold) “Urban Guardian”, 8 x8 in. Panel Bring Them All Home, 8 x 8 in. Panel Summer Landing, 36 x 36in. Canvas